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Masonic Music
CHF 25.00
Music in the spirit of Freemasonry
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Masonic Music
Product Details
Throughout its 300-year history, the world of Freemasonry has inspired artists of all kinds: poets, composers and performers.
Some of these poems and compositions were created for practical use in the lodges - be it in ritual events or for entertainment at social gatherings.
With this CD we would like to recall some of these pieces: from three centuries, from Germany, Austria, France, England, Italy and Finland, they bear witness to the time- and world-spanning character of this art. The recording aims to show the connection between music and Freemasonry and to give an impression of how music can contribute to making the Masonic ideals resound in every human being.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Kantate: Die ihr des unermesslichen
Franz Liszt
Cantico di San Francesco dâAssisi
Louis Nicolas Clérambault
Cantate: Les Francs-Masçons
Johann Nepomuk Hummel
Drey GesÀnge von Göthe
Jean Sibelius
Rituaalimusiikki op. 113
Arthur Seymour Sullivan
The Lost Chord
Courage, Brother, do not stumble
Albert Lortzing
Zwei Sterne, hoch oben
Lieder fĂŒr die Loge Zum goldenen Rade
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