Special exhibitions end events

Overview of current and upcoming events at the museum

Freemasonry is represented in over 180 comics, sometimes as part of a series or a special album, sometimes it is only mentioned in one or more images.

  • Special Exhibition
12.04.2025 - 28.06.2026

Conference with lectures, discussions and a signing session with the authors and illustrators Didier Convard, Denis Falque and François Morel, who travel from Paris especially for the event.

  • Conference
7. June - 10:00 - 16:30

Conference and book signing on ‘Comics, Imagination and Freemasonry’ with Joël Gregogna from Corsica, writer and specialist in Hugo Pratt and comics.

  • Conference
27. September - 10:00 - 14:00

Overview of previous events at the museum

87 years ago, on 28 November 1937, the Swiss people rejected the Fonjallaz initiative, which, among other anti-democratic aims, also sought to ban Freemasonry.

  • Conference
31.08.2024 - 10:00

With Michael Heinrich Weninger, (Roman Catholic priest).
The Masonic Museum Switzerland, the ALPINA research group and the Bernese lodge ‘Zur Hoffnung’ cordially invite Freemasons to a public conference and discussion.

  • Presentation
17.04.2024 - 19:30

James Anderson's Constitutions and the Future of Freemasonry.
A seminar for Freemasons, organised by the Swiss branch of the research lodge Quatuor Coronati, in collaboration with the Freemason Museum Switzerland.

  • Conference
17.02.2024 - 09:00

The Masonic Museum Switzerland presents its first special exhibition FONJALLAZ. It is dedicated to the anti-Masonic initiative of the fascist Arthur Fonjallaz and documents the referendum of 28 November 1937.

  • Special Exhibition
01.02.2024 - 31.01.2025