Test your knowledge of Freemasonry

Welcome to our special quiz about the world of Freemasonry

In 24 questions from 7 categories, you can put your knowledge of Masonic symbols, rituals, history and myths to the test. Whether you are already familiar with the subject or simply curious: Find out how well you know the secrets of Freemasonry.

1 / 24

Was Leonardo da Vinci a Freemason?

2 / 24

Which famous actor was a Freemason?

3 / 24

Why does the skull appear in Masonic symbolism?

4 / 24

Who composed the Masonic anthem?

5 / 24

How is Freemasonry financed?

6 / 24

Did Freemasons design the American one-dollar bill?

7 / 24

How are secret votes conducted in Masonic lodges?

8 / 24

Which of these personalities was not a Freemason?

9 / 24

In which political spectrum is Freemasonry located?

10 / 24

Why are there different Masonic rituals and systems?

11 / 24

Was Napoleon Bonaparte a Freemason?

12 / 24

Do female freemasons exist?

13 / 24

How many American presidents were Freemasons?

14 / 24

Which of these composers was not a Freemason?

15 / 24

How long is the term of office of a Grand Master in Switzerland?

16 / 24

What does the rough ashlar symbolise?

17 / 24

What do compass and square mean to Freemasons?

18 / 24

Where do the Freemasons trace their origins back to?

19 / 24

Which ancient building is considered by Freemasonry to symbolise the ideal society?

20 / 24

Who were or are the ILLUMINATI?

21 / 24

Which famous architecture can be proven to have been designed or influenced by Freemasons?

22 / 24

Which Masonic principle was a key inspiration for the French Revolution?

23 / 24

In which of these well-known literary works is Freemasonry thematised?

24 / 24

In which country was the first Masonic lodge founded in Asia?

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